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Brewer's: Rome's best Wealth is Patriotism

So said Mettius Curtius, when he jumped into the chasm which the soothsayers gave out would never close till Rome threw therein “its best wealth.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Brady, Diamond Jim

(Encyclopedia) Brady, Diamond Jim (James Buchanan Brady), 1856–1917, American financier and philanthropist, b. New York City. He was a bellboy and messenger and then worked for the New York Central…

Corbett, James John

(Encyclopedia) Corbett, James JohnCorbett, James Johnkôrˈbət [key], 1866–1933, American boxer, b. San Francisco. “Gentleman Jim” Corbett won (1892) the heavyweight boxing championship from John L.…

Carlisle Indian School

(Encyclopedia) Carlisle Indian School, in Carlisle, Pa., the first federally supported school for Native Americans to be established off a reservation; it was founded in 1879 by Richard Henry Pratt.…

Rome, city, Italy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Roman Empire (a.d. 117) CE5 Rome, Ital. Roma, city (1991 pop. 2,775,250), capital of Italy and see of the pope, whose residence, Vatican City, is a sovereign state within the…

Rome, University of

(Encyclopedia) Rome, University of, at Rome, Italy; founded 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII. It has faculties of jurisprudence; political science; economics and commerce; statistics, demography, and…

Palatine, hill, Rome

(Encyclopedia) Palatine, hill: see Rome before Augustus and Roman Empire under Rome.


(Encyclopedia) Alliance. 1 City, seat of Box Butte co., NW Nebr., in the High Plains; founded 1887 as Grand Lake, renamed and inc. 1888. Located in a farming and ranching region, it is a…