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Balbo, Italo

(Encyclopedia) Balbo, ItaloBalbo, Italoēˈtälō [key]Balbo, Italo bälˈbō [key], 1896–1940, Italian Fascist leader and aviator. After serving in World War I, he joined the Fascist movement and in 1922…

Dionysius of Halicarnassus

(Encyclopedia) Dionysius of HalicarnassusDionysius of Halicarnassusdīənĭshˈēəs, [key]Dionysius of Halicarnassushălˌĭkärnăsˈəs [key], fl. late 1st cent. b.c., Greek rhetorician and historian. He…

Punic Wars

(Encyclopedia) Punic Wars, three distinct conflicts between Carthage and Rome. When they began, Rome had nearly completed the conquest of Italy, while Carthage controlled NW Africa and the islands…

Starr, Belle

(Encyclopedia) Starr, Belle, 1848?–89, American outlaw, b. near Carthage, Mo. Her original name was Myra Belle (or Maybelle) Shirley. Her family members were Confederate sympathizers, and her father…


(Encyclopedia) corner, securing of all or nearly all the supply of any commodity or stock so that its buyers are forced to pay exorbitant prices. Corners may be planned deliberately or may be brought…

Leo IV, Saint, pope

(Encyclopedia) Leo IV, Saint, d. 855, pope (847–55), a Roman; successor of Sergius II. He had seen the Saracen attack on Rome (846), and to prevent its recurrence he fortified the city and its…

Appii forum

(Encyclopedia) Appii forumAppii forumăpˈēī [key] [Lat.,=Appius' market], important stop on the Appian Way, c.40 mi (64 km) E of Rome. It was at the head of a canal through the Pontine Marshes. When…

Perino del Vaga

(Encyclopedia) Perino del VagaPerino del Vagapārēˈnō dĕl väˈgä [key] or Pierino del VagaPierino del Vagapyārēˈnō [key], 1500–1547, Italian mannerist painter, whose real name was Perino or Pierino…

Appian Way

(Encyclopedia) Appian WayAppian Wayăpˈēən [key], Lat. Via Appia, most famous of the Roman roads, built (312 b.c.) under Appius Claudius Caecus. It connected Rome with Capua and was later extended to…


(Encyclopedia) TarpeiaTarpeiatärpēˈyə [key], in Roman legend, a Roman woman who betrayed her city to the Sabines for what they wore on their left arms (their gold bracelets). As they entered Rome…