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July 2001 News and Events

World David Trimble Resigns (July 1): First minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly steps down as IRA continues to balk at disarmament. Russians Raid Two Chechen Villages (July 3 et seq.):…

August 2001 News and Events

World Bosnian Serb Convicted by Hague Court (Aug. 2): International war-crimes tribunal finds former general Radislav Krstic guilty of genocide for role in execution of some 7,000 unarmed Muslim…

July 2005

WorldDiplomats Kidnapped in Iraq (July 3): Ihab al-Sharif, who was to become Egypt's ambassador to Iraq, is seized by gunmen in Baghdad. (July 7): Militant group al-Qaeda in Iraq says it has…

June 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/Science/Society U.S. Casualties…

Islam in America

Muslims move to the mainstream Related Links Islam Primer Islam Glossary of Islam Ramadan Top Eight World Religions Non-Christians in U.S. During Dec. 2000 a crescent…

March 2001 News and Events

WorldSuicide Bomber Kills Three Israelis (March 4): Attack in Netanya, town north of Tel Aviv, follows slaying by Israelis of six Palestinians. Tension builds in area.Israel Restores…

Left-Handed Presidents

The Question: I know President Clinton was left-handed, but what other presidents were left-handed? The Answer: Believe it or not, President Bill Clinton was this country's third consecutive …

Robert Jones (Rob) PORTMAN, Congress, OH (1955)

Senate Years of Service: 2011- Party: Republican PORTMAN Robert Jones (Rob) , a Senator and a Representative from Ohio; born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, December 19, 1955; graduated from…

Election Ennui

The presidential election of 2000 between Vice President Al Gore (D) and Texas governor George W. Bush (R) was the tightest election in four decades. The neck-and-neck race, however, was…