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Displaying 431 - 440

Clinton, James

(Encyclopedia) Clinton, James, 1733–1812, American Revolutionary general, b. Orange co., N.Y.; brother of George Clinton and father of De Witt Clinton. He served in the French and Indian Wars and…

Drewry's Bluff

(Encyclopedia) Drewry's BluffDrewry's Bluffdr&oobreve;rˈēz [key], high ground on the southern bank of the James River, E Va., S of Richmond; scene of two engagements in the Civil War. On May 15,…

Brady, Diamond Jim

(Encyclopedia) Brady, Diamond Jim (James Buchanan Brady), 1856–1917, American financier and philanthropist, b. New York City. He was a bellboy and messenger and then worked for the New York Central…

Mary of Guise

(Encyclopedia) Mary of GuiseMary of Guisegēz [key], 1515–60, queen consort of James V of Scotland and regent for her daughter, Mary Queen of Scots. The daughter of Claude de Lorraine, duc de Guise,…

Prim, Juan

(Encyclopedia) Prim, JuanPrim, Juanhwän prēm [key], 1814–70, Spanish general and statesman. A Catalan officer, he fought for Isabella II against the Carlists and became one of the chief factional…

Fashoda Incident

(Encyclopedia) Fashoda IncidentFashoda Incidentfəshōˈdə [key], 1898, diplomatic dispute between France and Great Britain. Toward the end of the 19th cent., while Britain was seeking to establish a…

Boulanger, Georges Ernest

(Encyclopedia) Boulanger, Georges ErnestBoulanger, Georges Ernestzhôrzh ĕrnĕstˈ b&oomacr;läNzhāˈ [key], 1837–91, French general and reactionary politician. He served in North Africa and Indochina…

Angell, James Rowland

(Encyclopedia) Angell, James Rowland, 1869–1949, American educator and psychologist, b. Burlington, Vt., grad. Univ. of Michigan (B.A. 1890; M.A. 1891), M.A. Harvard, 1892; son of James B. Angell.…

Innes, James

(Encyclopedia) Innes, JamesInnes, Jamesĭnˈĭs [key], 1754–98, American lawyer, b. Caroline co., Va. As commander of a Virginia regiment, he took part in many battles of the American Revolution. He was…

Oglesby, Richard James

(Encyclopedia) Oglesby, Richard JamesOglesby, Richard Jamesōˈgəlzbē [key], 1824–99, Union general in the American Civil War and Illinois political leader, b. Oldham co., Ky. He moved to Decatur, Ill…