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Brewer's: Rose Sunday

The fourth Sunday in Lent, when the Pope blesses the “Golden Rose.” He dips it in balsam, sprinkles it with holy water, and incenses it. Strange as it may seem, Pope Julius II., in 1510,…

Holy Roman Emperors (table)

(Encyclopedia) HOLY ROMAN EMPERORS(including dates of reign) Saxon dynasty Otto I, 936–73 Otto II, 973–83 Otto III, 983–1002 Henry II, 1002–24 Salian or Franconian dynasty Conrad II,…

Brewer's: Salt

Flavour, smack. The salt of youth is that vigour and strong passion which then predominates. Shakespeare uses the term on several occasions for strong amorous passion. Thus Iago refers to…

Malta Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Malta Index: People Government Political Conditions Foreign Relations U.S.-Maltese Relations PEOPLEMalta was an important cultic center for earth-mother…

Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Ralph Waldo Emerson 1867, 1876, 1883, 1895, 1904 and 1911 Contents Preface Biographical Sketch Poems Good-Bye Each and All The Problem To Rhea The Visit Uriel The…

John Keats: Book III

by John Keats Book IIBook III Thus in alternate uproar and sad peace, Amazed were those Titans utterly. O leave them, Muse! O leave them to their woes; For thou art weak to sing…

Entertainment News from January 2001

1Ray Walston, versatile, eccentric actor who won a Tony Award for his role as the Devil in Broadway's Damn Yankees, dies at age 86. He may have in fact sold his soul to Satan when he signed…

Women's Role in the Civil War

Thousands of women contributed to the war effort for the Union and Confederacy, both behind the scenes and on the frontlines By Beth Rowen Clara Barton Related Links…

John Keats: Book II

by John Keats Book IBook IIIBook II Just at the self-same beat of Time's wide wings Hyperion slid into the rustled air, And Saturn gain'd with Thea that sad place Where Cybele and…