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Displaying 401 - 410

Black Tom

(Encyclopedia) Black Tom, part of Jersey City, N.J., also called Black Tom Island. In July, 1916, German saboteurs demolished U.S. munitions stores there; in Jan., 1917, they destroyed the Kingsland…

Sutherland, Graham

(Encyclopedia) Sutherland, Graham, 1903–80, English painter. Sutherland began his career as a painter at 35 and gained international acclaim with his paintings of war devastation. Among his major…

Jordan, David Starr

(Encyclopedia) Jordan, David Starr, 1851–1931, American scientist and educator, b. Gainesville, N.Y., M.S. Cornell, 1872, M.D. Indiana Medical College, 1875, and studied under Louis Agassiz at…

Karpov, Anatoly

(Encyclopedia) Karpov, AnatolyKarpov, Anatolyənətôlˈyē kärˈpôf [key], 1951–, Russian chess master. In 1970 he became the world's youngest international grand master. Karpov won (1975) the world…

Organization of African Unity

(Encyclopedia) Organization of African Unity (OAU), former international organization, established 1963 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by 37 independent African nations to promote unity and development;…

Geithner, Timothy Franz

(Encyclopedia) Geithner, Timothy FranzGeithner, Timothy Franzgītˈnər [key], 1961–, U.S. government official, b. New York City, grad. Dartmouth (B.A. 1983), Johns Hopkins (M.A. 1985). In 1988 he began…

Fort Worth

(Encyclopedia) Fort Worth, city (2020 pop. 918,915), seat of Tarrant co., N Tex., on the Trinity River 30 mi (48 km) W of Dallas; settled 1843, inc.…

Foreign Legion

(Encyclopedia) Foreign Legion, French volunteer armed force composed chiefly, in its enlisted ranks, of foreigners. Its international character and the tradition of not revealing enlistees'…

Persian Gulf

(Encyclopedia) Persian Gulf, arm of the Arabian Sea, 90,000 sq mi (233,100 sq km), between the Arabian peninsula and Iran, extending c.600 mi (970 km) from the Shatt al Arab delta to the Strait of…