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La Romana

(Encyclopedia) La RomanaLa Romanalä rōmänˈä [key], city (1993 pop. 132,834), SE Dominican Republic, on the Caribbean Sea. It is the capital and major port of La Romana province. The site of several…

O'Gorman, Juan

(Encyclopedia) O'Gorman, Juan, 1905–82, Mexican architect. Trained by Villagran Garcia, O'Gorman produced designs adapting the International style to Mexican requirements. O'Gorman's most notable…

Macri, Mauricio

(Encyclopedia) Macri, Mauricio, 1959–, Argentinian political leader. After graduating from the Catholic Univ. of Argentina, he was active in his family's businesses in the 1980s and 90s before…

parcel post

(Encyclopedia) parcel post, sending of packages through the mail service. At the congress of the Universal Postal Union in Paris in 1878, an international parcel-post system was established. The…

Spaak, Paul Henri

(Encyclopedia) Spaak, Paul HenriSpaak, Paul Henripôl äNrēˈ späk [key], 1899–1972, Belgian statesman and Socialist leader. He held various cabinet posts after 1935 and served almost continually as…

Calvo, Carlos

(Encyclopedia) Calvo, CarlosCalvo, Carloskärˈlōs kälˈvō [key], 1824–1906, Argentine diplomat and historian. He spent much of his life in diplomatic service abroad. He edited a collection of Latin…

Wheaton, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Wheaton, Henry, 1785–1848, American jurist and diplomat, b. Providence, R.I., grad. Rhode Island College (now Brown), 1802. After translating the Code Napoléon into English, he…

Economic and Social Council

(Encyclopedia) Economic and Social Council, constituent organ of the United Nations. It was established by the UN Charter and has 54 (18 before 1965) member nations elected for three-year terms (one…

universal time

(Encyclopedia) universal time (UT), the international time standard common to every place in the world, it nominally reflects the mean solar time along the earth's prime meridian (renumbered to…

Miami, University of

(Encyclopedia) Miami, University of, main campus at Coral Gables, Fla.; partly supported by city, county, and state; coeducational; chartered 1925, opened 1926. Notable programs include a school of…