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Displaying 271 - 280

Zacarias Moussaoui, 2002 News

suspected terrorist and al-Qaeda member, pleaded guilty in federal court in July to six counts of conspiracy, but withdrew his plea after Judge Leonie Brinkema explained to him that he…

Becoming a U.S. Citizen

The Question: What are the requirements for citizenship in the United States? The Answer: A person may become a U.S. citizen either through birth or…

Natural-born Citizen

The Question: I was born overseas of American citizens who were stationed abroad. Do I meet the qualifications for being a natural-born citizen…

Statue of Liberty's Tablet

The Question: What does it say on the tablet the Statue of Liberty is holding? The Answer: The inscription on the tablet in her left hand reads…

The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Chicago, Illinois The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Chicago, Illinois Founded by Jane Addams in 1889, Chicago's Hull House may be the most famous of the “…

Lindbergh Kidnapping Remembered

The crime that shocked the nation by David Johnson Related Links AviationSpirit of St. LouisFlightIncarceration/Capital PunishmentNew JerseyCalled "the biggest story since the Resurrection…

Jean-Marie Le Pen, 2002 News

far-right French politician, shocked the world in April with his second-place finish in the first round of France's presidential election. He took 17% of the vote, eliminating Lionel Jospin…

Bermuda Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Bermuda Index: Historical Highlights Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations and U.S.-Bermudian Relations HISTORICAL…

Edward Davy Biography

Edward Davyphysician, scientistBorn: 6/16/1806Birthplace: Ottery St. Mary, Devon, England After studying medicine and beginning a career as a chemist, he became interested in telegraphy. He…