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Travel & Transportation

Cite /**/ The Tobin and Zakim Bridges in Boston, MA. The Zakim was part of the largest intra-state transit project in the U.S.The world is a very big place. The Earth has almost 60 million square…

Bruce, James

(Encyclopedia) Bruce, James, 1730–94, Scottish explorer in Africa. He explored Roman ruins in N Africa (1755) from Tunis to Tripoli and visited Crete, Rhodes, and Asia Minor. In 1768 he traveled down…

Barrow, Sir John

(Encyclopedia) Barrow, Sir John, 1764–1848, British geographer, promoter of arctic exploration. His early travels as secretary to Earl Macartney (who was ambassador to China and governor of the Cape…

Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig

(Encyclopedia) Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig or John LewisBurckhardt, Johann Ludwig or John Lewisyōhänˈ l&oomacr;tˈvĭkh [key]Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig or John Lewis b&oobreve;rkˈhärt [key], 1784–…

Valle, Pietro della

(Encyclopedia) Valle, Pietro dellaValle, Pietro dellapyĕˈtrō dĕlˈlä välˈlā [key], 1586–1652, Italian traveler in Asia. He sailed (1614) from Venice; spent a year in Constantinople, where he studied…

Mandeville, Sir John

(Encyclopedia) Mandeville, Sir John, 14th-century English author of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Originally written in Norman French, the work became enormously popular and was translated into…

Brewer's: Traveller's Licence

The long bow; exaggeration. “If the captain has not taken `traveller's licence,' we have in Norway a most successful development of peasant proprietorship.” —W. Bowerman. Source:…

Brewer's: Travels in the Blue

A brown study; in cloudland. “Finding him gone for `travels in the blue,' I respected his mood, and did not resent his long mutism.” —Remington Annual, 1880, p. 61. Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Lying Traveller

(The). So Sir John Mandeville has been unjustly called. (1300-1372.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Lying by the WallLydian Poet A B C D E F G H I…

Top Travel Sites

Despite seeing an 11% drop in popularity, Expedia remains the top travel-related site on the Internet. Overall, travel industry web sites saw a 2% drop in total…