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Stark, Freya Madeline

(Encyclopedia) Stark, Freya MadelineStark, Freya Madelinefrāˈə [key], 1893–1993, British author, traveler, and Arabist. The first European to visit several areas in the Middle East, she was born in…

Labat, Jean Baptiste

(Encyclopedia) Labat, Jean BaptisteLabat, Jean BaptistezhäN bätēstˈ läbäˈ [key], 1663–1738, French Dominican missionary. Sent to the West Indies, he explored the islands, he was largely responsible…

Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy)

(Encyclopedia) Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy)Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy)jāˈməsən [key], 1794–1860, English essayist, b. Dublin. The diary of her travels on the Continent as governess to a…

Nuttall, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Nuttall, Thomas, 1786–1859, American naturalist, b. England. He was a pioneer in American paleontology and was curator (1822–32) of the Harvard botanical garden. He accompanied several…

Burnes, Sir Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Burnes, Sir Alexander, 1805–41, British traveler in India. As an army officer in India, he studied Asian languages. In 1832 he left Lahore in Afghan dress and traveled by way of…

Henry, Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Henry, Alexander, two fur traders, uncle and nephew, of the Old Northwest, each of whom left a valuable journal of his travels and experiences. Alexander Henry, the elder, 1739–1824, b…

Interstate Highway System Trivia

Facts and figures on the U.S. highway system by Federal Highway Administration Related Links Quiz: Great American Highways The Story of the U.S. InterstateRoad Mileage Between U.S.…

What Your Car Color Says About You

Based on the DuPont Automotive rankings of most popular automotive colors in North America, here’s what Color Answer Book author Leatrice Eiseman says vehicles are revealing about their…

EU Blacklist of Unsafe Airlines

“Flying Coffins” are banned from landing in Europe In 2006, the European Union banned 92 airlines, the vast majority of them from Africa. Declared unsafe according to…

Two Centuries of Railroading

Source: Association of American Railroads. Web: .1797The steam locomotive is invented in England. 1823The first public railway in the world opens in England.1827The first railroad in…