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Federalist No. 59

No 58 No 60 Concerning the Power of Congress to Regulate the Election of Members From the New York Packet. Friday, February 22, 1788. Hamilton To the People…

Entertainment News from October 1998

1On CNN's Larry King Live, Roseanne says she has no problem paying Monica Lewinsky a couple of million bucks to tell her story on the actress's new talk show. No word yet from Monica's people…

A Thousand Clowns

By: Don Schlitz Director: Scott Ellis Cast: Joshua Park, Kristen Bell, Linda Purl, Jane Connell, John Christopher Jones, Tommy Hollis, Marshall Pailet, Jim Poulos, Tom Aldredge, John…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 8

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 7Federalist No. 9Federalist No. 8 The Consequences of Hostilities Between the States To the People of the State of New York…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 9

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 8Federalist No. 10Federalist No. 9 The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection To the People of the…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto XVII

Purgatorio: Canto XVIPurgatorio: Canto XVIIIPurgatorio: Canto XVII Remember, Reader, if e'er in the Alps A mist o'ertook thee, through which thou couldst see Not otherwise than through…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto XXVIII

Purgatorio: Canto XXVIIPurgatorio: Canto XXIXPurgatorio: Canto XXVIII Eager already to search in and round The heavenly forest, dense and living-green, Which tempered to the eyes the…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto VII

Paradiso: Canto VIParadiso: Canto VIIIParadiso: Canto VII "Osanna sanctus Deus Sabaoth, Superillustrans claritate tua Felices ignes horum malahoth!" In this wise, to his melody…

Book Two

Book Two   Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of…