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The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 28, 1804
Day 162 Day 164 Clark, July 28, 1804 July the 28th, Satturday 1804 Set out this morning early, the wind from the N W. by N. a Dark Smokey morning Some rain passed at 1 me. a Bluff on the S…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 29, 1804
Day 163 Day 165 Clark, July 29, 1804 July 29th Sunday 1804 Sent a french man la Liberty with the Indian to Otteaze Camp to invite the Indians to meet us on the river above- a Dark rainey…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 30, 1804
Day 165 Day 167 Clark, July 30, 1804 July 30th Monday 1804 Set out this morning early proceeded on to a Clear open Prarie on the L. S. on a rise of about 70 feet higher than the bottom…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 31, 1804
Day 168 Day 170 Clark, July 31, 1804 July 31st, Tuesday a fair Day three Hunters out, Took meridian altitude made the Lattd. 41° 18' 1" 5/10 N. R. & Jo. Fields returned to Camp They…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, August 1, 1804
Day 170 Day 172 Clark, August 1, 1804 August the 1st 1804 a fair morning Despatched two men after the horses lost yesterday, one man back to the place from which the messinger was Sent for…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, August 2, 1804
Day 172 Day 174 Clark, August 2, 1804 August 2nd Thursday 1804 A verry pleasent Breeze from the S. E. The Two men Drewyer & Colter returned with the horses loaded with Elk, those…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, August 3, 1804
Day 175 Day 177 Clark, August 3, 1804 August 3rd, Friday 1804 made up a Small preasent for those people in perpotion to their Consiqunce. also a package with a meadile to accompany a…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, August 4, 1804
Day 177 Day 179 Clark, August 4, 1804 August 4th Satturdaye Set out early- (at 7 oClock last night we had a Violent wind from the N W Som little rain Succeeded, the wind lasted with…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, May 21, 1804
Day 17 Day 19 Clark, May 21, 1804 May 21st 1804 Monday All the forepart of the Day Arranging our party and prcureing the different articles necessary for them at this place- Dined with Mr…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, August 5, 1804
Day 179 Day 181 Clark, August 5, 1804 5th of August Sunday 1804 Set out early great appearance of wind and rain (I have observed that Thundor & lightning is not as common in this…