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The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 6, 1806
Day 1536 Day 1538 Clark, July 6, 1806 Sunday 6th July 1806 Some frost this morning the last night was so cold that I could not Sleep. we Collected our horses which were much scattered…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 7, 1806
Day 1537 Day 1539 Clark, July 7, 1806 Monday 7th July 1806 This morning our horses were very much Scattered; I Sent out men in every direction in Serch of them. they brought all except 9…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 8, 1806
Day 1538 Day 1540 Clark, July 8, 1806 Tuesday July 8th 1806 Our horses being Scattered we were detained unill 8 A. M before we Set out. we proceeded on down Willards Creek on the S.W. Side…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 9, 1806
Day 1539 Day 1541 Clark, July 9, 1806 Wednesday 9th July 1806 rose early had the horses brought up. after which I had the Canoes raised washed, brough down and drawn up on Shore to dry and…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 10, 1806
Day 1540 Day 1542 Clark, July 10, 1806 Thursday July 10th 1806 last night was very cold and this morning everything was white with frost and the grass Stiff frozend. I had Some water…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 11, 1806
Day 1541 Day 1543 Clark, July 11, 1806 Friday 11th July 1806 Sent on 4 of the best hunters in 2 Canoes to proceed on a fiew miles a head and hunt untill I came up with them, after an early…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 12, 1806
Day 1542 Day 1544 Clark, July 12, 1806 Saturday 12th,July 1806 Sergt. Pryor did not join me last night he has proceeded on down. the beaver was flacking in the river about us all the last…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 13, 1806
Day 1543 Day 1545 Clark, July 13, 1806 Sunday 13th July 1806 Set out early this morning and proceded on very well to the enterance of Madicines river at our old Encampment of the 27th July…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 14, 1806
Day 1544 Day 1546 Clark, July 14, 1806 Monday 14th July 1806 Sent Sheilds a head to kill a deer for our brackfast and at an early hour Set out with the party Crossed Gallitines river which…The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, July 15, 1806
Day 1545 Day 1547 Clark, July 15, 1806 Tuesday 15th July 1806 we collected our horses and after an early brackft at 8 A M Set out and proceeded up the branch to the head thence over a low…