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Rio de Janeiro Preview

What to expect at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games  Two refugee athletes with their coach AP Photo/Felipe Dana, Pool Related Links…

Brewer's: Baga de Secretis

Records in the Record Office of trials for high treason and other State offences from the reign of Edward IV. to the close of the reign of George III. These records contain the proceedings…

Brewer's: Bardo de Bardi

A wealthy Florentine scholar, father of Romola, in George Eliot's Romola, a novel (1863). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BardolphBardit A B C D E F G…

Brewer's: La-de-da

A yea-nay sort of a fellow, with no backbone. “Da,” in French, means both oui and nenni, as Oui-da (ay marry), Nenni-da (no forsooth). “I wish that French brother of his, the Parisian la-…

Brewer's: Lazarillo de Tormes

(1553). A comic romance, something in the Gil Blas style, the object being to satirise all classes of society. Lazarillo, a light, jovial, audacious man-servant, sees his masters in their…

Brewer's: Amparo de Pobres

A book exposing the begging impostors of Madrid, written by Herrera, physician to Felipe III Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AmpersandAmour propre A B C…

Brewer's: Jean de Lettre

(Mr. Jenkins). “Qui pour l'ordinaire, dit Tallemant, est un animal mal idoine à toute autre chose.” (Mme. Deshoulières: Historiettes, ix. 209, x. 82.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Jeu de Mot

A pun; a play on some word or phrase. (French.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Jeunesse DoreeJeu d'Esprit A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…

Brewer's: Jocelin de Brakelonda

de Rebus gestis Samsonis, etc., published by the Camden Society. This record of the acts of Abbot Samson of Edmondsbury contains much contemporary history, and gives a good account of…

Brewer's: Juge de Paix

(French). A cudgel. “Albert Mangin, condamné à mort le 7 floreal an. ii. ayant dit que les jacobins étaient tou des scélérats et des coquins, et montrant un gros bâton qu'il tenait à la…