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Brewer's: Feu de Joie

(French). A running fire of guns on an occasion of rejoicing. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894FeudFettle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…

Brewer's: Fiddle-de-dee!

An exclamation signifying what you say is nonsense or moonshine. Fiddle-de-dee is meant to express the sound of a fiddle-string vocalised. Hence “sound signifying nothing.” Source:…

Brewer's: Goutte de Sang

The Adonis flower or pheasant's eye, said to be stained by the blood of Adonis, who was gored by a boar. O fleur, si chère à Cytheree Ta corolle fut, en naissant, Du sang d'Adonis colorèe…

Brewer's: Huon de Bordeaux

encounters in Syria an old follower of the family named Gerasmes (2 syl.), whom he asks the way to Babylon. Gerasmes told him the shortest and best way was through a wood sixteen leagues…

Dover, DE Census Data

People QuickFactsDoverDelawarePopulation, 2003 estimate 32,808817,491Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 2.4%4.3%Population, 2000 32,135783,600Population, percent change…

Dover, DE Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population32,135100.0SEX AND AGEMale15,12247.1Female17,01352.9Under 5 years2,1466.75 to 9 years2,1186.610 to 14 years2,1336.615 to 19 years2,9589.220 to 24 years3,25910.125…

Dover, DE Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over25,596100.0In labor force16,32063.8Civilian labor force15,31859.8Employed14,17455.4Unemployed1,1444.5Percent of civilian labor force7.5…

Dover, DE, Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units13,357100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached5,98244.81-unit, attached1,96014.72 units4473.33 or 4 units4173.15 to 9 units8156.110 to 19 units1,57511.820 or more…

Dover, DE Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school10,216100.0Nursery school, preschool5515.4Kindergarten4234.1Elementary school (grades 1-8)3,54234.7High school (…

Newark, DE Census Data

People QuickFactsNewarkDelawarePopulation, 2003 estimate 29,821817,491Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 4.5%4.3%Population, 2000 28,547783,600Population, percent change…