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Brewer's: Hot Cross Buns

Fosbroke says these buns were made of the dough kneaded for the host, and were marked with the cross accordingly. As the Good Friday buns are said to keep for twelve months without turning…

Brewer's: Egyptian Festivals

(The). The six great festivals of the ancient Egyptians were— 1. That of Bubastis (= Diana, or the moon); 2. That of Busiris, in honour of Isis; 3. That of Saïs (= Minerva, Hermes, or…

Brewer's: Latona

Mother of Apollo and Diana. When she knelt by a fountain in Delos (infants in arms) to quench her thirst at a small lake, some Lycian clowns insulted her and were turned into frogs. As…

Brewer's: Lewkner's Lane

Now called “Charles Street,” Drury Lane, London, always noted for ladies of the pavement. The flymphs of chaste Diana's train, The same with those of Lewkner's Lane. Butler: Hudibras, part…

Brewer's: Lodona

The Lodden, an affluent of the Thames in Windsor Forest. Pope, in Windsor Forest, says it was a nymph, fond of the chase, like Diana. It chanced one day that Pan saw her, and tried to…

Brewer's: Josse

Vous étes orfèvrs, Monsieur Jossc (You are a jeweller, Mr. Josse). Nothing like leather; great is Diana of the Ephesians; your advice is not disinterested. In Molière's comedy of L'Amour…

Brewer's: Queen of Heaven

with the ancient Phoenicians, was Astarte; Greeks, Hera; Romans, Juno; Trivia, Hecate, Diana, the Egyptian Isis, etc., were all so called; but with the Roman Catholics it is the Virgin…

Brewer's: Temples

(Pagan) in many respects resembled Roman Catholic churches. There was first the vestibule, in which were the piscina with lustral water to sprinkle those who entered the edifice; then the…

Brewer's: Vernon

mentioned by Thomson in his Summer, was Admiral Edward Vernon, who attacked Carthagena in 1741; but the malaria reached the crew, and, as the poet says - “To infant weakness sunk the…

Brewer's: Grotto of Ephesus

(The). The test of chastity. E. Bulwer-Lytton, in his Tales of Miletus (iii.), tells us that near the statue of Diana is a grotto, and if, when a woman enters it, she is not chaste,…