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Christina Rossetti: The Lowest Place
The Lowest PlaceGive me the lowest place: not that I dare Ask for that lowest place, but Thou hast died That I might live and share Thy glory by Thy side.Give me the lowest place: or if…Christina Rossetti: The One Certainty
The One CertaintySonnetVanity of vanities, the Preacher saith, All things are vanity. The eye and ear Cannot be filled with what they see and hear. Like early dew, or like the sudden…Christina Rossetti: The Poor Ghost
The Poor Ghost'Oh whence do you come, my dear friend, to me, With your golden hair all fallen below your knee, And your face as white as snowdrops on the lea, And your voice as hollow as the…Christina Rossetti: The Prince's Progress
The Prince's ProgressTill all sweet gums and juices flow, Till the blossom of blossoms blow, The long hours go and come and go, The bride she sleepeth, waketh, sleepeth, Waiting for one…Christina Rossetti: The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of HeartsHow comes it, Flora, that, whenever we Play cards together, you invariably, However the pack parts, Still hold the Queen of Hearts?I've scanned you with a…Christina Rossetti: The Three Enemies
The Three EnemiesThe Flesh'Sweet, thou art pale.' 'More pale to see, Christ hung upon the cruel tree And bore His Father's wrath for me.''Sweet, thou art sad…Christina Rossetti: Three Seasons
Three Seasons 'A cup for hope!' she said, In springtime ere the bloom was old: The crimson wine was poor and cold By her mouth's richer red. 'A cup for love!' how low, How soft the words…Christina Rossetti: Twilight Calm
Twilight Calm Oh, pleasant eventide! Clouds on the western side Grow grey and greyer hiding the warm sun: The bees and birds, their happy labours done, Seek their close nests and…Christina Rossetti: Twilight Night
Twilight NightMarch 1866IWe met, hand to hand, We clasped hands close and fast, As close as oak and ivy stand; But it is past: Come day, come night, day comes at last.We loosed hand…Christina Rossetti: Under the Rose
Under the Rose'The iniquity of the fathers upon the children.'Oh the rose of keenest thorn! One hidden summer morn Under the rose I was born.I do not guess his name Who wrought my Mother's…