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Displaying 301 - 310

Cyprian, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Cyprian, SaintCyprian, Saintsĭpˈrēən [key], 200?–258, Father of the Church, bishop of Carthage (c.248), and perhaps a disciple of Tertullian. Converted in his middle age, he rose…

Pike, James Albert

(Encyclopedia) Pike, James Albert, 1913–69, American Episcopal bishop, b. Oklahoma City. A lawyer who had been raised as a Roman Catholic, he served (1943–45) in the U.S. navy and then studied for…


(Encyclopedia) LusignanLusignanlüzēnyäNˈ [key], French noble family. The name is derived from a castle in Poitou, built, according to legend, by Mélusine. The family was powerful in the Middle Ages…


(Encyclopedia) Fluxus , an international art movement of the late 1950s-‘60s that emphasized process over finished product and interdisciplinary work…

Vancouver Island

(Encyclopedia) Vancouver Island (1991 pop. 579,921), 12,408 sq mi (32,137 sq km), SW British Columbia, Canada, in the Pacific Ocean; largest island off W North America. It is c.285 mi (460 km) long…

Merle d'Aubigné, Jean Henri

(Encyclopedia) Merle d'Aubigné, Jean HenriMerle d'Aubigné, Jean HenrizhäN äNrēˈ mĕrl dōbēnyāˈ [key], 1794–1872, Swiss ecclesiastical historian and Protestant preacher. After studying theology at…

Foakes-Jackson, Frederick John

(Encyclopedia) Foakes-Jackson, Frederick John, 1855–1941, English theologian and church historian. A fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, from 1886, he was lecturer there from 1882 and dean from 1895…


(Encyclopedia) AleijadinhoAleijadinhoälāzhädēˈnyō [key] [Port.,=little cripple], 1730–1814, Brazilian sculptor. His real name was Antônio Francisco Lisboa. Although he was maimed in hands and feet,…

Böhm, Dominikus

(Encyclopedia) Böhm, DominikusBöhm, Dominikusdômēˈnĭk&oobreve;s böm [key], 1880–1955, German architect. The widely varied styles of Catholic churches designed by Böhm have strongly influenced…