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Brewer's: Heroes scratched off Church-doors

Militia officers were so called by Sheridan. The Militia Act enjoined that a list of all persons between eighteen and forty-five years of age must be affixed to the church door of the…

Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence

(Encyclopedia) Mecklenburg Declaration of IndependenceMecklenburg Declaration of Independencemĕkˈlənbûrgˌ [key], resolution alleged to have been proclaimed at Charlotte, N.C., by the citizens of…

Chicago, Ill.

Mayor: Rahm Emanuel (to April 2019)2010 census population (rank): 2,695,598 (3); Male: 1,308,072 (48.5%); Female: 1,387,526 (51.5%); White: 1,212,835 (45.0%); Black: 887,608 (32.9%); American Indian…

Confessing Church

(Encyclopedia) Confessing Church, Ger. Bekennende Kirche, German Protestant movement. It was founded in 1933 by Martin Niemoeller as the Pastors' Emergency League and was systematically opposed to…

Greek Church

(Encyclopedia) Greek Church: see Orthodox Eastern Church.

Anglican Church

(Encyclopedia) Anglican Church: see England, Church of; Anglican Communion.

High Church

(Encyclopedia) High Church: see England, Church of.