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Kefauver, Carey Estes

(Encyclopedia) Kefauver, Carey EstesKefauver, Carey Esteskēfôvər [key], 1903–63, U.S. Senator from Tennessee (1949–63), b. Madisonville, Tenn., known as Estes Kefauver. He became a Chattanooga lawyer…

Aliyev, Ilham

(Encyclopedia) Aliyev, IlhamAliyev, Ilhamēlˈhäm [key]Aliyev, Ilham älēˈyĕf [key], 1961–, Azerbaijani political leader, president of Azerbaijan (2003–), b. Baku; son of President Heydar Aliyev. He…

Djerassi, Carl

(Encyclopedia) Djerassi, CarlDjerassi, Carljərăsˈē [key], 1929–2015, American organic chemist and educator, b. Vienna, Austria. He received his Ph.D. from the Univ. of Wisconsin (1945) and taught at…

Julian, George Washington

(Encyclopedia) Julian, George WashingtonJulian, George Washingtonj&oomacr;lˈyən [key], 1817–99, American abolitionist, U.S. Representative from Indiana (1849–51, 1861–71), b. Wayne co., Ind.…

Liu Shaoqi

(Encyclopedia) Liu Shaoqi or Liu Shao-ch'iLiu Shao-ch'iboth: ly&oomacr; shou-chē [key], 1898?–1969, Chinese Communist political leader. Liu joined (1920) a Comintern organization in Shanghai,…

Malema, Julius Sello

(Encyclopedia) Malema, Julius Sello, 1981–, South African political leader. Involved in the African National Congress (ANC) from a young age, he rose quickly in its influential Youth League, becoming…

Nehru, Motilal

(Encyclopedia) Nehru, MotilalNehru, Motilalmōˈtĭləl [key]Nehru, Motilal nāˈr&oomacr;, nĕˈ– [key], 1861–1931, Indian political leader, father of Jawaharlal Nehru. A successful attorney, he joined…

Packard, David

(Encyclopedia) Packard, David, 1912–96, American business executive, b. Pueblo, Colo., grad. Stanford (B.A., 1934; M.S., 1939). He and classmate William R. Hewlett opened a garage-based business,…

Mott, John Raleigh

(Encyclopedia) Mott, John Raleigh, 1865–1955, American Protestant ecumenical leader, b. Livingston Manor, N.Y. While a student at Cornell, Mott, a Methodist layman, became active in the Young Men's…

Aspin, Les

(Encyclopedia) Aspin, Les (Leslie Aspin, Jr.), 1938–95, U.S. politician and government official, b. Milwaukee, Wis. Running as a Democrat opposed to the Vietnam War, he won election as a U.S.…