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Gardner, John William

(Encyclopedia) Gardner, John William, 1912–2002, American public official, U.S. secretary of health, education, and welfare (1965–68), b. Los Angeles. After teaching psychology at Connecticut and Mt…

Heller, Walter

(Encyclopedia) Heller, Walter, 1915–87, American economist, b. Buffalo, N.Y., grad. Oberlin College (A.B., 1935), Univ. of Wisconsin (M.A. 1938, Ph.D. 1941). He worked for the U.S. Treasury before…

Aspin, Les

(Encyclopedia) Aspin, Les (Leslie Aspin, Jr.), 1938–95, U.S. politician and government official, b. Milwaukee, Wis. Running as a Democrat opposed to the Vietnam War, he won election as a U.S.…

Malema, Julius Sello

(Encyclopedia) Malema, Julius Sello, 1981–, South African political leader. Involved in the African National Congress (ANC) from a young age, he rose quickly in its influential Youth League, becoming…

Liu Shaoqi

(Encyclopedia) Liu Shaoqi or Liu Shao-ch'iLiu Shao-ch'iboth: ly&oomacr; shou-chē [key], 1898?–1969, Chinese Communist political leader. Liu joined (1920) a Comintern organization in Shanghai,…

Meiklejohn, Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Meiklejohn, AlexanderMeiklejohn, Alexandermĭkˈəljŏn [key], 1872–1964, American educator, b. Rochdale, England, grad. Brown Univ., 1893, Ph.D. Cornell, 1897. He taught philosophy at…

Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie

(Encyclopedia) Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie (Lord Clark of Saltwood), 1903–83, English art historian, studied Oxford. After working with Bernard Berenson in Florence, Clark was keeper of the department…

Day, William Rufus

(Encyclopedia) Day, William Rufus, 1849–1923, American statesman and associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1903–22), b. Ravenna, Ohio. Admitted (1872) to the bar, Day practiced law in Ohio and…

Khasbulatov, Ruslan Imranovich

(Encyclopedia) Khasbulatov, Ruslan Imranovich, 1942–, Russian politician. A Chechen from the Caucasus region, he was an academic economist in Moscow before his election (1990) to the Russian Congress…

Kindelberger, Dutch

(Encyclopedia) Kindelberger, Dutch (James Howard Kindelberger), 1895–1962, b. Wheeling, W.Va., American aerospace pioneer. In 1917 he joined the army and went into the signal corps, serving as a…