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Displaying 321 - 330

Brewer's: New Christians

Certain Jews of Portugal, who yielded to compulsion and suffered themselves to be baptised, but in secret observed the Mosaic ceremonies. (Fifteenth century.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Tomahawk

A war-hatchet. The word has slight variations in different Indian tribes, as tomehagen, tumnahagen, tamoihecan, etc. When peace was made between tribes in hostility, the tomahawks were…

Brewer's: Runic Wands

Willow wands with mystic characters inscribed on them, used by the Scandinavians for magic ceremonies. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RunnymedeRunic Rhymes…

Brewer's: Act of Faith

(auto da fé) in Spain, is a day set apart by the Inquisition for the punishment of heretics, and the absolution of those who renounce their heretical doctrines. The sentence of the…

Brewer's: Banneret

One who leads his vassals to battle under his own banner. A knight made in the field was called a banneret, because the chief ceremony was cutting or tearing off the pointed ends of his…

Brewer's: Accolade

(3 syl.). The touch of a sword on the shoulder in the ceremony of conferring knighthood; originally an embrace or touch by the hand on the neck. (Latin, ad collum, on the neck.) Source:…