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Bibiena, Galli da

(Encyclopedia) Bibiena or Bibbiena, Galli daBibiena or Bibbiena, Galli dagälˈlē dä bēbyāˈnä [key], family of Italian artists of the 17th and 18th cent. Giovanni Maria Galli da Bibiena, 1625–65,…


(Encyclopedia) eunucheunuchy&oomacr;ˈnĭk [key] [Gr.,=keeper of the couch], castrated human male, particularly a chamberlain of a harem in Asia. The custom of employing eunuchs as servants in…

Antonioni, Michelangelo

(Encyclopedia) Antonioni, MichelangeloAntonioni, Michelangelomëkālänˈjālō äntōnyôˈnē [key], 1912–2007, Italian film director and scriptwriter, b. Ferrara, Italy. In the 1940s he made documentaries…

Los Angeles Philharmonic

(Encyclopedia) Los Angeles Philharmonic, founded in 1919 by William Andrews Clark, Jr. After his death the Southern California Symphony Association was formed in 1934 to sponsor the orchestra. It was…

Newton, Helmut

(Encyclopedia) Newton, Helmut, 1920-2004, German-American photographer, b. Berlin, Germany, as Helmut Neustädter. Newton began taking pictures at age…


(Encyclopedia) madrigal, name for two different forms of Italian music, one related to the poetic madrigal in the 14th cent., the other the most common form of secular vocal music in the 16th cent.…

Antigua and Barbuda

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda ăntēˈgə, –gwə, bärb&oomacr;ˈdə, –by&oomacr;ˈ– [key], independent Commonwealth nation (2020 est. pop…

2005 George Polk Awards

The George Polk Awards in Journalism, administered by Long Island University, honors excellence in print and broadcast journalism. The award was esablished in 1949 and named for CBS correspondent…


(Encyclopedia) futurism, Italian school of painting, sculpture, and literature that flourished from 1909, when Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's first manifesto of futurism appeared, until the end of World…