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Brewer's: Constitution

The fundamental laws of a state. It may be either despotic, aristocratic, democratic, or mixed. To give a nation a constitution is to give it fixed laws even to the limitation of the…

Brewer's: Nurse an Omnibus

(To) is to try and run it off the road. This is done by sending a rival omnibus close at its heels, or, if necessary, one before and one behind it, to pick up the passengers. As a nurse…

Brewer's: Mandana

A stock name in heroic romance, which generally represents the fate of the world turning on the caprice of some beautiful Mandana or Statira. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Vandal

One who destroys beautiful objects to make way for what he terms “improvements,” or to indulge his own caprice. When Genseric with his Vandals captured Rome in A.D. 455, he mutilated the…

Brewer's: Ruach

The Isle of Winds, visited by Pantagruel and his fleet on their way to the Oracle of the Holy Bottle, is the isle of windy hopes and unmeaning flattery. The people of this island live on…

Brewer's: Walk through One's Part

(To). A theatrical phrase, meaning to repeat one's part at rehearsal verbally, but without dressing for it or acting it. To do anything appointed you…

Brewer's: Manche

(French). Aimer mieux la manche que le bras. Cupboard love. Manche is a slang word; a gratuity given to a cicerone cabman, or porter. It is the Italian buona mancia. Jeter le manche apres…

PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction

The PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, established in 1980, annually honors an American fiction writer with a $15,000 prize. Three judges choose five finalists before…

Brewer's: Kremlin

(The). A gigantic pile of buildings in Moscow of every style of architecture: Arabesque palaces, Gothic forts, Greek temples, Italian steeples, Chinese pavilions, and Cyclopean walls. It…

Brewer's: Habeas Corpus

The “Habeas Corpus Act” was passed in the reign of Charles II., and defined a provision of similar character in Magna Charta, to which also it added certain details. The Act provides (1)…