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McKEE, Samuel, Congress, KY (1833-1898)

McKEE Samuel , a Representative from Kentucky; born near Mount Sterling, Montgomery County, Ky., November 5, 1833; attended the common schools; was graduated from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio,…

John Stuart WILLIAMS, Congress, KY (1818-1898)

Senate Years of Service: 1879-1885 Party: Democrat WILLIAMS John Stuart , a Senator from Kentucky; born near Mount Sterling, Montgomery County, Ky., July 10, 1818; attended the common schools;…

Prentiss MELLEN, Congress, MA (1764-1840)

Senate Years of Service: 1818-1820 Party: Federalist MELLEN Prentiss , a Senator from Massachusetts; born in Sterling, Worcester County, Mass., on October 11, 1764; graduated from Harvard…

Mike Tyson

Born:June 30, 1966Pro record:49-3-0, 2 NC, 43 KOsHeight:5'11"Weight:230NoDateOpponent, locationResult13/6/85Hector Mercedes, Albany, N.Y.KO 124/10/85Trent Singleton, Albany, N.Y.TKO 135/23/…

Paisley, Ian Richard Kyle

(Encyclopedia) Paisley, Ian Richard KylePaisley, Ian Richard Kylepāzˈlē [key], 1926–2014, Northern Irish religious and political leader. For many years a leading protagonist of militant Protestantism…

conceptual art

(Encyclopedia) conceptual art, art movement that began in the 1960s and stresses the artist's concept rather than the art object itself. Growing out of minimalism, conceptual art turned the artist's…

Boleyn, Anne

(Encyclopedia) Boleyn, AnneBoleyn, Anneb&oobreve;lˈĭn, b&oobreve;lĭnˈ [key], 1507?–1536, second queen consort of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I. She was the daughter of Sir Thomas…

British Library

(Encyclopedia) British Library, national library of Great Britain, located in London; one of the world's great libraries. Long a part of the British Museum, the library collection originated in 1753…

International Monetary Fund

(Encyclopedia) International Monetary Fund (IMF), specialized agency of the United Nations, established in 1945. It was planned at the Bretton Woods Conference (1944), and its headquarters are in…