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(Encyclopedia) ThessaloniansThessaloniansthĕsˌəlōˈnēənz [key], two letters of the New Testament. First Thessalonians was written by St. Paul from Corinth, c.a.d. 51, and addressed to the newly…

Niebuhr, Helmut Richard

(Encyclopedia) Niebuhr, Helmut Richard, 1894–1962, American theologian, b. Wright City, Mo., grad. Elmhurst College (Ill.), 1912, and Eden Theological Seminary, 1915, M.A. Washington Univ., 1917, B.D…

Rothschild, Nathan Meyer

(Encyclopedia) Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 1777–1836, British banker, b. Frankfurt, Germany; of the famous Rothschild family. He went to England in 1797, was naturalized in 1804, and opened a business…

Stirling, town, Scotland

(Encyclopedia) Stirling, town (1991 pop. 38,638), Stirling council area, central Scotland, on the Forth River. The center of a large farm district, it has livestock markets and light industries…

Ando, Tadao

(Encyclopedia) Ando, TadaoAndo, Tadaotädäō ändō [key], 1941–, Japanese architect, b. Osaka. The majority of his buildings are in Japan; he is particularly known for religious structures and museums.…

Bent's Fort

(Encyclopedia) Bent's Fort, trading post of the American West, on the Arkansas River in present-day SE Colorado, E of Rocky Ford and La Junta and several miles above the mouth of the Purgatoire. The…