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St. Chad Remembered

Election Controversy Ignites Interest in British Saint by David Johnson St. Chad's parish does not object to an additional job for St. Chad. "St. Chad as the patron saint of disputed elections is…

Brewer's: Biddy

(i.e. Bridget). A generic name for an Irish servant-maid, as Mike is for an Irish labourer. These generic names are very common: for example, Tom Tug, a waterman; Jack Pudding, a buffoon;…

Carter, Elliott Cook, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Carter, Elliott Cook, Jr., 1908–2012, American composer, b. New York City. Carter is considered by many to be the most important late-20th-century American composer. Mentored early in…

Pius II

(Encyclopedia) Pius IIPius IIpīˈəs [key], 1405–64, pope (1458–64), an Italian named Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini (often in Latin, Aeneas Silvius), renamed Pienza after him, b. Corsigniano; successor…

Brewer's: Osnaburg

The Duke of York was Bishop of Osnaburg Not prelate, but sovereign-bishop. By the treaty of Westphalia, in 1648, it was decreed that the ancient bishop should be vested alternately in a…

William Shakespeare: Henry VI (Pt 1), Act III

Act IIIScene ILondon. The Parliament-houseFlourish. Enter King Henry VI, Exeter, Gloucester, Warwick, Somerset, and Suffolk; the Bishop OF Winchester, Richard Plantagenet, and others.…

Gibbons, James

(Encyclopedia) Gibbons, James, 1834–1921, American churchman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic church, b. Baltimore. Ordained in 1861, he became secretary to the archbishop of Baltimore in 1865, vicar…

Gardiner, Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Gardiner, Stephen, 1493?–1555, English prelate. He was educated at Cambridge. He became secretary to Thomas (later Cardinal) Wolsey and later secured the favor of Henry VIII by a…