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John of Leiden

(Encyclopedia) John of Leiden, c.1509–1536, Dutch Anabaptist leader. His original name was Beuckelszoon, Beuckelzoon, Bockelszoon, Bockelson, Beukels, or Buckholdt. John of Leiden was attracted to…

Rochester, town, England

(Encyclopedia) Rochester, town, SE England, on the Medway River, chief town of the borough of Medway, which also includes Chatham and Gillingham. Cement, heavy machinery, electronic equipment,…


(Encyclopedia) RuseRuser&oobreve;ˈsĕ [key], city (1993 pop. 170,209), NE Bulgaria, on the Danube River bordering Romania. The chief river port of Bulgaria, it is also an industrial and…

Saint Andrews

(Encyclopedia) Saint Andrews, town (1991 pop. 11,302), Fife, E Scotland, on the North Sea. A summer resort, it is famous for its golf courses. It was the seat of an archbishop from 908 and the…

Saisset, Bernard

(Encyclopedia) Saisset, BernardSaisset, Bernardbĕrnärˈ sĕsāˈ [key], d. 1314, French churchman. In 1295 he became bishop of Pamiers (near Foix, S France). He was sent (1301) by Pope Boniface VIII as…


(Encyclopedia) RegiomontanusRegiomontanusrēˌjēōmŏnˌtāˈnəs [key] [Lat.,=belonging to the royal mountain, i.e., to Königsberg], 1436–76, German astronomer and mathematician, b. Königsberg. His original…


(Encyclopedia) OradeaOradeaoräˈdyä [key] or Oradea-MareOradea-Mare–mäˈrĕ [key], Hung. Nagyvárad, Ger. Grosswardein, city (1990 pop. 228,956), W Romania, in Crişana-Maramureş, near the Hungarian…

Southcott, Joanna

(Encyclopedia) Southcott, JoannaSouthcott, Joannasouthˈkət [key], 1750–1814, English religious visionary. Uneducated, even illiterate, she spent her earlier years in domestic service. She began c.…

Eusebius of Nicomedia

(Encyclopedia) Eusebius of NicomediaEusebius of Nicomediay&oomacr;sēˈbēəs, [key]Eusebius of Nicomedianĭkōmēˈdēə [key], d. 342, Christian churchman and theologian, leader of the heresy of…

Foster, Rube

(Encyclopedia) Foster, Rube (Andrew Bishop Foster), 1879–1930, African-American baseball player and executive, b. Calvert, Tex. Known as “the father of black baseball,” he turned professional with…