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Displaying 361 - 370

Brewer's: Love me, Love my Dog

St. Bernard quotes this proverb in Latin, “Quo me amat, amat et canem meam, ” French, “Qui aime Pertrand, aime son chien ” Spanish, “Quién bién quiérs a beliram, bien quiére a su can.” (If…

Brewer's: Faust

(1 syl.). The grandest of all Goethe's dramas. Faust makes a compact with Mephistopheles, who on one occasion provides him with a cloak, by means of which he is wafted through the air…

Brewer's: Poets Laureate

appointed by letters patent. The following are sometimes included, though not appointed by letters patent:—Chaucer, Gower, John Key, Bernard, Skelton, Rob. Whittington, Richard Edwards,…

Brewer's: Stone Soup

or St. Bernard's Soup. A beggar asked alms at a lordly mansion, but was told by the servants they had nothing to give him. “Sorry for it,” said the man, “but will you let me boil a little…

Brewer's: Summum Bonum

The chief excellence; the highest attainable good. SOCRATES said knowledge is virtue, and ignorance is vice. ARISTOTLE said that happiness is the greatest good. BERNARD DE MANDEVILLE and…

Brewer's: Zineura

in the Decameron of Boccaccio (day ii. novel 9), is the Imogen of Shakespeare's Cymbeline. In male attire Zineura assumed the name of Sicurano da Finale, and Imogen of Fidele. Zineura's…

Champ Car Rookie of the Year

Officially, Jim Trueman Rookie of the Year Award. Named after the late founder of the two-time champion TrueSports Racing Team, it's presented to the rookie who accumulates the most Champ…

Brewer's: Beguins

A sisterhood instituted in the twelfth century, founded by Lambert Bégue or Lambert le Bègue. The members of the male society were called Beghards (q.v. ). The Béguins were at liberty to…

Brewer's: Dante and Beatrice

—i.e. Beatrice Portinari, who was only eight years old when the poet first saw her. His abiding love for her was chaste as snow and pure as it was tender. Beatrice married a nobleman…

1948 Olympic Equestrian Medalists

Event     Three-Day Event Bernard Chevallier, FRA +4   Frank Henry, USA –21   Robert Selfelt, SWE –25 Three-Day Event — Team USA –161.50   Sweden –165.…