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Fröding, Gustaf

(Encyclopedia) Fröding, GustafFröding, Gustafgŭsˈtäv fröˈdĭng [key], 1860–1911, Swedish lyric poet. His first two volumes of poems, Guitar and Concertina (1891) and New Poems (1894), both translated…

To be Carved on a Stone at Ballylee

To be Carved on a Stone at BallyleeI, the poet William Yeats, With old mill boards and sea-green slates, And smithy work from the Gort forge, Restored this tower for my wife George; And may…

Michael Robartes and the Dancer

Michael Robartes and the DancerHe.Opinion is not worth a rush; In this altar-piece the knight, Who grips his long spear so to push That dragon through the fading light, Loved the lady; and it…

Demon and Beast

Demon and BeastFor certain minutes at the least That crafty demon and that loud beast That plague me day and night Ran out of my sight; Though I had long pernned in the gyre, Between my…

Easter, 1916

Easter, 1916I have met them at close of day Coming with vivid faces From counter or desk among grey Eighteenth-century houses. I have passed with a nod of the head Or polite meaningless words…

An Image from a Past Life

An Image from a Past LifeHe. Never until this night have I been stirred. The elaborate star-light has thrown reflections On the dark stream, Till all the eddies gleam; And thereupon there…

The Leaders of the Crowd

The Leaders of the CrowdThey must to keep their certainty accuse All that are different of a base intent; Pull down established honour; hawk for news Whatever their loose phantasy invent And…

A Meditation in Time of War

A Meditation in Time of WarFor one throb of the Artery, While on that old grey stone I sat Under the old wind-broken tree, I knew that One is animate Mankind inanimate fantasy.

On a Political Prisoner

On a Political PrisonerShe that but little patience knew, From childhood on, had now so much A grey gull lost its fear and flew Down to her cell and there alit, And there endured her fingers…