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Displaying 491 - 500

Rodin, Auguste

(Encyclopedia) Rodin, AugusteRodin, Augusteōgüstˈ rōdăNˈ [key], 1840–1917, French sculptor, b. Paris. He began his art study at 14 in the Petite École and in the school of Antoine Barye, earning his…

1996 NCAA Mens Basketball Ohio Valley Conference

ConferenceOverallTeamWLPctWLPct*Murray St126.6672010.667Austin Peay126.6671714.548Middle Tenn. St117.6111912.613Tennessee Tech108.5561513.536Eastern Illinois99.5001215.444SE Missouri St99.…

1995 NCAA Football Southland Conference

Southland Conference ConferenceOverall WLTPFPAWLTPFPA *McNeese St.500133391310444144*S.F. Austin St.4101851001120392242Northwestern St.23010289650269209Sam Houston St.23074119550193216SW…

Why Build Green?

Helping the environment with solar-powered heat and bamboo roofs by Liz Olson Related Links Top Ten Greenest Buildings in the U.S. Earth Day A Warming…

Article VII

[Constitution to be considered adopted when ratified by nine states.] The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between…

Horizon League

ConferenceOverallTeamWLPctWLPct†Butler124.750266.812†Detroit115.6881813.581WI-Milwaukee115.6881613.552Wright St97.5621711.607Loyola-IL97.5671713.567*Illinois-Chicago88.5002014.588Cleveland…

Major Bouts, 2001–02: Bantamweights (118 lbs)

DateWinnerLoserResultTitleSiteDec. 15Tim AustinRatanachai VorapinWu 12IBFMashantucket, Conn.Jan. 11Veerapol SaphromSergio PerezWu 12WBCBangkokFeb. 23Rafael MarquezMark JohnsonTKO 8—Las…