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Arthur Galston Biography

Agent Orange researcherDied: June 15, 2008Best Known as: plant biologist whose research led to the creation of Agent Orange Deathplace: Hamden,…

Arthur Jones Biography

entrepreneurDied: Aug. 28, 2007 (Ocala, Fla.) Best Known as: developer of Nautilus fitness machines Jones changed how many people exercise with the…

Arthur Kornberg Biography

biochemistDied: October 26, 2007 (Stanford, California) Best Known as: biochemist who discovered how DNA is assembled Biochemist who won the Nobel Prize for…

Arthur Nobile Biography

inventorBorn: 1920Died: 2004 Nobile's discovery of the steroids prednisone and prednisolone was a significant advance in medicine. The highly effective anti-…

Bea Arthur Biography

actressBorn: May 13, 1922Died: April 25, 2009 (California, USA) Best Known as: actress Though she was successful on stage and in films, Bea Arthur was…

Ficke, Arthur Davison

Ficke, Arthur Davison[1883-1945](2)Born Davenport, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1883. Educated at Harvard University where he graduated in 1904. Later he studied at the College of Law of the Iowa State…

Arthur Guiterman: In the Hospital

In the HospitalArthur GuitermanBecause on the branch that is tapping my pane A sun-wakened leaf-bud, uncurled, Is bursting its rusty brown sheathing in twain, I know there is Spring in the…

Chester Alan Arthur

Chester Alan ArthurBorn: 10/5/1829Birthplace: Fairfield, Vt. Chester Alan Arthur was born at Fairfield, Vt., on Oct. 5, 1829. A graduate of Union College, he became a successful New York…

Brewer's: Arthur's Seat

a hill near Edinburgh, is Ard Seir (hill of arrows), where people shot at a mark. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Articles of RoupArthurian Romances A B C…