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Anne Bradstreet: Air

AirContent (quoth Air) to speak the last of you, Yet am not ignorant first was my due: I do suppose you'l yield without controul I am the breath of every living soul. Mortals, what one of you…

Poems and Meditations

Anne BradstreetContentsPrologueThe Author To Her BookBefore the Birth of One of Her ChildrenIn Reference to her ChildrenTo my Dear and Loving HusbandTo Her Father with Some VersesBy Night…

Anne Bradstreet: The Flesh and the Spirit

The Flesh and the Spirit In secret place where once I stood Close by the Banks of Lacrim flood, I heard two sisters reason on Things that are past and things to come. One Flesh was call'd,…

Anne Bradstreet: Another II

Another II As loving hind that (hartless) wants her deer, Scuds through the woods and fern with hark'ning ear, Perplext, in every bush and nook doth pry, Her dearest deer, might answer ear…

Anne Bradstreet: Middle Age

Middle Age Childhood and youth forgot, sometimes I've seen, And now am grown more staid that have been green, What they have done, the same was done by me: As was their praise, or shame, so…

Anne Bradstreet: Old Age

Old Age   What you have been, ev'n such have I before, And all you say, say I, and something more. Babe's innocence, Youth's wildness I have seen, And in perplexed Middle-age have been,…

Anne Bradstreet: The Author To Her Book

The Author To Her Book Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth did'st by my side remain, Till snatcht from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad…

Anne Bradstreet: In Reference to her Children

In Reference to her Children I had eight birds hatcht in one nest, Four Cocks were there, and Hens the rest. I nurst them up with pain and care, No cost nor labour did I spare Till at the…