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1960 Academy Awards

The 1960 Academy Awards were presented April 17, 1961 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.Best Motion PictureThe Alamo, John Wayne, producer (United Artists)The Apartment, Billy Wilder,…


125th KENTUCKY DERBY Grade I for three-year olds; 8th race at Churchill Downs in Louisville. Date— May 1, 1999; Distance— 11/4 miles; Stakes Purse— $1,000,000 ($700,000 to winner; $170,000…

Return Of Serve Leaders

Pts. Returning 1st ServePctMtchs1Alex Corretja35%622Karol Kucera34%453Carlos Moya33%714Michael Chang33%675Andrei Medvedev33%496Hicham Arazi33%487Slava Dosedel33%428Arnaud Boetsch33%329Jonas…

Quezon, Manuel Luis

(Encyclopedia) Quezon, Manuel LuisQuezon, Manuel Luismänwĕl l&oomacr;ēsˈ kāˈsōn [key], 1878–1944, first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935–44). While a law student, he joined…


(Encyclopedia) PlutarchPlutarchpl&oomacr;ˈtärk [key], a.d. 46?–c.a.d. 120, Greek essayist and biographer, b. Chaeronea, Boeotia. He traveled in Egypt and Italy, visited Rome (where he lectured on…

Gray, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Thomas, 1716–71, English poet. He was educated at Eton and Peterhouse, Cambridge. In 1739 he began a grand tour of the Continent with Horace Walpole. They quarreled in Italy, and…


(Encyclopedia) Tutankhamen or TutenkhamonTutankhament&oomacr;tˌängkäˈmən, –ĕngk– [key], fl. c.1350 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, of the XVIII dynasty. He was the son-in-law of Ikhnaton and…

United States Naval Academy

(Encyclopedia) United States Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Md.; for training young men and women to be officers of the U.S. navy or marine corps. George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy, founded and…