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(Encyclopedia) trouvèrestrouvèrestr&oomacr;vĕrˈ [key], medieval poet-musicians of central and N France, fl. during the later 12th and the 13th cent. The trouvères imitated the troubadours of the…

Vincent of Beauvais

(Encyclopedia) Vincent of BeauvaisVincent of Beauvaisbōvāˈ [key], c.1190–c.1264, French Dominican friar. He was the author of three of the four parts of the Speculum majus, of great value as a…

Ricardo, David

(Encyclopedia) Ricardo, David, 1772–1823, British economist, of Dutch-Jewish parentage. At the age of 20 he entered business as a stockbroker and was so skillful in the management of his affairs that…

McIntire, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) McIntire, SamuelMcIntire, Samuelmăkˈəntīrˌ [key], 1757–1811, American architect and woodcarver, b. Salem, Mass. He developed high skill as a joiner and housewright and in wood…

Ball, John

(Encyclopedia) Ball, John, d. 1381, English priest and social reformer. He was one of the instigators of the Peasant's Revolt of 1381 (see under Tyler, Wat). He was an itinerant for many years,…

Schmidt, Brian Paul

(Encyclopedia) Schmidt, Brian Paul, 1967–, Australian-American astrophysicist, b. Missoula, Mont., Ph.D. Harvard, 1993. He has been associated with Australian National Univ. since 1995. Schmidt and…

Perlmutter, Saul

(Encyclopedia) Perlmutter, Saul, 1959–, American astrophysicist, b., Champaign-Urbana, Ill., Ph.D. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1986. He is a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and…

Gournay, Vincent de

(Encyclopedia) Gournay, Vincent deGournay, Vincent devăNsäNˈ də g&oomacr;rnāˈ [key], 1712–59, French economist, precursor of the physiocrats and of Adam Smith. A wealthy merchant, he was in…

Wyatt, James

(Encyclopedia) Wyatt, James, 1746–1813, English architect. He worked in many styles but is best known as one of the originators of the Gothic revival. Appointed surveyor at Westminster Abbey in 1776…

Akhmatova, Anna

(Encyclopedia) Akhmatova, AnnaAkhmatova, Annaänˈnə əkhmäˈtəvə [key], pseud. of Anna Andreyevna GorenkoAnna Andreyevna Gorenkoəndrāˈəvnə gôryĕngˈkô [key], 1888–1966, Russian poet of the Acmeist school…