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(Encyclopedia) Taliban or TalebanTalibantälēbänˈ, –lə– [key], Islamic fundamentalist militia of Afghanistan and later Pakistan, originally consisting mainly of Sunni Pashtun religious students from…

gay-rights movement

(Encyclopedia) gay-rights movement, organized efforts to end the criminalization of homosexuality and protect the civil rights of homosexuals. While there was some organized activity on behalf of the…


(Encyclopedia) Banksy, pseud. of an English graffiti artist, c.1974–, probably b. Bristol. He painted on walls, bridges, and the like in Bristol and London in the 1990s before he began to use (c.2000…

Suárez González, Adolfo

(Encyclopedia) Suárez González, AdolfoSuárez González, Adolfoädôlˈfō swäˈrāth gōnthäˈlĕth [key], 1932–2014, Spanish lawyer and political leader. Because he had worked in the Nationalist Movement (the…

Sotomayor, Sonia

(Encyclopedia) Sotomayor, SoniaSotomayor, Soniasōtōmīyôrˈ [key], 1954–, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2009–), b. Bronx, N.Y., to Puerto Rican parents, grad. Princeton (B.A. 1976), Yale…

spotted lanternfly

(Encyclopedia) spotted lanternfly, common name for a planthopper, Lycorma delicatula, an insect that is native to China, India, and Vietnam, and is an introduced agricultural pest in Korea and the…

Sistani, Ali Husaini

(Encyclopedia) Sistani, Ali Husaini or HusayniSistani, Ali Husaini or Husayniäˈlē h&oomacr;sānˈ sĭs-stänˈē [key] or Ali Hussein al-SistaniSistani, Ali Husaini or Husaynih&oomacr;sānˈē äl– […

Renzi, Matteo

(Encyclopedia) Renzi, Matteo, 1975–, Italian political leader. Renzi was a member of the Italian People's party, which merged (2002) with other parties to form Democracy Is Freedom—The Daisy, which…

Scott-Heron, Gil

(Encyclopedia) Scott-Heron, Gil, 1949–2011, American poet, musician, and songwriter, b. Chicago. Often considered “the godfather of rap music,” he…

Santos Calderón, Juan Manuel

(Encyclopedia) Santos Calderón, Juan Manuel, 1951–, Colombian government official and political leader. From a politically influential family, he studied at the Univ. of Kansas, London School of…