Percent of Population Enrolled in School1, 2006

Updated July 10, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
Age Total Male Female
Total, 3 to 34 years 56.0% 55.5% 56.6%
3 and 4 years 55.7 56.0 55.4
5 and 6 years 94.6 94.4 94.8
7 to 9 years 98.2 98.1 98.3
10 to 13 years 98.3 98.2 98.4
14 and 15 years 98.3 98.2 98.4
16 and 17 years 94.6 94.1 95.0
18 and 19 years 65.5 63.6 67.4
20 and 21 years 47.5 44.0 51.1
22 to 24 years 26.7 25.0 28.5
25 to 29 years 11.7 10.4 13.0
30 to 34 years 7.2 5.9 8.5
NOTES: Data are based upon sample surveys of the civilian noninstitutional population.
1. Includes enrollment in any type of graded public, parochial, or other private schools. Includes nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools. Attendance may be on either a full-time or part-time basis and during the day or night. Enrollments in “special“ schools, such as trade schools, business colleges, or correspondence schools, are not included.
Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. From Digest of Education Statistics 2007.
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