Murder Victims: Types of Weapon Used, 2006
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Type of weapon | Total no. victims |
Firearms | 10,177 |
Knives or cutting instruments | 1,822 |
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) | 607 |
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)1 | 833 |
Poison | 11 |
Explosives | 1 |
Fire | 115 |
Narcotics | 42 |
Drowning | 12 |
Strangulation | 135 |
Asphyxiation | 107 |
Other weapon or not stated | 1,128 |
Total | 14,121 |
1. Pushed is included in personal weapons.
Source: Crime in the United States, 2006, FBI, Uniform Crime Reports.
Murders, Robberies, and Aggravated Assaults in Which Firearms Were Used, 1973–2005 | Crime Data | Murder Victims: Types of Weapon Used, 2004 |