Synonyms of degraded


1. degrade

usage: reduce the level of land, as by erosion

2. take down, degrade, disgrace, demean, put down, humiliate, mortify, chagrin, humble, abase

usage: reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; "She tends to put down younger women colleagues"; "His critics took him down after the lecture"

3. degrade, cheapen, worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate

usage: lower the grade of something; reduce its worth


1. debauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, libertine, profligate, riotous, fast, immoral (vs. moral)

usage: unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women"

2. debased, devalued, degraded, low (vs. high)

usage: lowered in value; "the dollar is low"; "a debased currency"

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Definition and meaning of degraded (Dictionary)