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What You Should Know About Credit Card Blocking

Source: FDIC Consumer News Credit card blocking is like having a slow leak in your spare tire: You are not aware of the problem until you need to do something about it. Credit card blocking…

Making the Right Match

  Make a list. In fact make three. Finding the right college is the same at the beginning for everyone: make three lists. First, make a list of colleges you like…

Consumer Protection

Find information on consumer credit scams, identity theft, spam, online shopping tips, counterfeit products, your telemarketing rights and more. The Top Five Consumer Credit ScamsTop Internet…

Walt Whitman: A Song for Occupations, Part 3

Part 3The sun and stars that float in the open air, The apple-shaped earth and we upon it, surely the drift of them is something grand, I do not know what it is except that it is grand,…

Sentences: Sentence Functions: The Four Tops

Sentence Functions: The Four TopsSentencesIntroductionI Know It When I See It: The SentenceSentence Structure: The Fab FourSentence Functions: The Four TopsAlley Oops In addition to classifying…

Aesop's Fables: The Lion, the Fox, and the Stag

by Aesop The Fox and the SnakeThe Man Who Lost His SpadeThe Lion, the Fox, and the Stag A Lion lay sick in his den, unable to provide himself with food. So he said to his friend the Fox,…

Consumer Fraud Complaints by Category, 2008

Learn the top 20 consumer fraud complaints as of 2008. Identity theft tops the list, with 26% of all fraud compaints, filed by 1,223,370 people that year. Protect yourself from identity theft by…