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(Encyclopedia) tularemiatularemiat&oomacr;lərēˈmēə [key] or rabbit fever, acute, infectious disease caused by Francisella tularensis (Pasteurella tularensis). The greatest incidence is among…


(Encyclopedia) ProtistaProtistaprōtĭsˈtə [key] or ProtoctistaProtoctistaprōˌtŏktĭsˈtə [key], in the five-kingdom system of classification, a kingdom comprising a variety of unicellular and some…

anti–Vietnam War movement

(Encyclopedia) anti–Vietnam War movement, domestic and international reaction (1965–73) in opposition to U.S. policy during the Vietnam War. During the four years following passage of the Tonkin Gulf…


(Encyclopedia) civetcivetsĭvˈət [key] or civet cat, any of a large group of mostly nocturnal mammals of the Old World family Viverridae (civet family), which also includes the mongoose. Civets are…


(Encyclopedia) cladisticscladisticsklədĭsˈtĭks [key] or phylogenetic systematicscladisticsfīˌlōjənĕtˈĭk [key], an approach to the classification of living things in which organisms are defined and…

Rainalducci, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Rainalducci or Rainallucci, PietroRainalducci or Rainallucci, Pietropyĕˈtrō rīnäld&oomacr;tˈchē, rīnäl-l&oomacr;tˈchē [key], d. 1333, Italian churchman (b. Corvaro, near Rieti…


(Encyclopedia) Sabellius, fl. 215, Christian priest and theologian, b. probably Libya or Egypt. He went to Rome, became the leader of those who accepted the doctrine of modalistic monarchianism, and…

Socialist Revolutionary party

(Encyclopedia) Socialist Revolutionary party, in Russian history, an agrarian party founded by various Populist groups in 1901. Its program, adopted in 1906, called for the overthrow of the autocracy…

shock wave

(Encyclopedia) shock wave, wave formed of a zone of extremely high pressure within a fluid, especially the atmosphere, that propagates through the fluid at a speed in excess of the speed of sound. A…

Secret Service, United States

(Encyclopedia) Secret Service, United States, a law enforcement division (since 2003) of the Dept. of Homeland Security. It was established in 1865 in the the Dept. of the Treasury to investigate and…