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Charles the Great

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Great, Frankish king, emperor of the West: see Charlemagne.

Charles the Bald

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Bald, French king: see Charles II, emperor of the West.

Charles the Fat

(Encyclopedia) Charles the Fat, French king: see Charles III, emperor of the West.


(Encyclopedia) panhandle, in geography, a strip of land projecting from the main body of an area and shaped like the handle of a pan, such as the panhandles of West Virginia, Texas, and Alaska.

Frisian language

(Encyclopedia) Frisian language, member of the West Germanic group of the Germanic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages (see Germanic languages). It has a number of dialects and is…

Humboldt, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Humboldt, river, c.300 mi (480 km) long, rising in several branches in the mountains of NE Nev. It meanders generally west to disappear in Humboldt Sink, W Nevada. Along with its…

Mallory, Stephen Russell

(Encyclopedia) Mallory, Stephen Russell, c.1813–73, U.S. Senator, secretary of the navy in the Confederacy, b. Trinidad, West Indies. He was raised in Key West, Fla., where he practiced law and was a…


(Encyclopedia) MainMainmīn [key], river, c.310 mi (500 km) long, formed near Kulmbach, E central Germany, by the confluence of the Roter Main and the Weisser Main, both of which rise in the…