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Displaying 401 - 410

Auriemma, Geno

(Encyclopedia) Auriemma, Geno (Luigi Auriemma), 1954–, American basketball coach, b. Montella, Italy, grad. West Chester State College (now West Chester Univ. of Pennsylvania), 1977. After coaching…


(Encyclopedia) Chichester Chichester chĭˈchĭstər [key], city and district, West Sussex, S England. Chichester is an…

diurnal circle

(Encyclopedia) diurnal circlediurnal circledīûrˈnəl [key], apparent path followed by a star due to the earth's rotation on its axis. The stars appear to move on the celestial sphere in concentric…

Gibbon, John

(Encyclopedia) Gibbon, John, 1827–96, Union general in the Civil War, b. near Holmesburg (now part of Philadelphia), Pa., grad. West Point, 1847. Made a brigadier general of volunteers (1862), he…

Gage, Thomas, English traveler

(Encyclopedia) Gage, Thomas, d. 1656, English traveler. He went (1612) to Spain to study and became a Dominican. He lived and traveled among the Native populations of Central America from 1625 to…

Verrazzano, Giovanni da

(Encyclopedia) Verrazzano, Giovanni daVerrazzano, Giovanni dajōvänˈnē dä vĕrˌrätsäˈnō; vĕrˌəzäˈnō [key], c.1480–1527?, Italian navigator and explorer, in the service of France, possibly the first…

block book

(Encyclopedia) block book. Before and after the invention of printing from movable types in the mid-15th cent., some books were printed in Europe from engraved wooden blocks, with one block for each…

Mujibur Rahman

(Encyclopedia) Mujibur RahmanMujibur Rahmanm&oomacr;jēb&oobreve;rˈ rämänˈ [key], 1921–75, East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) political leader, prime minister of Bangladesh (1972–75), popularly…


(Encyclopedia) OdoacerOdoacerōdōāˈsər [key] or OdovacarOdovacar–vāˈkər [key], c.435–493, chieftain of the Heruli, the Sciri, and the Rugii (see Germans). He and his troops were mercenaries in the…

Minuit, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Minuit, PeterMinuit, Petermĭnˈy&oomacr;ĭt [key], c.1580–1638, first director-general of New Netherland, b. Wesel (then the duchy of Cleves). Sent by the Dutch West India Company to…