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Brewer's: Parisienne

(La). A celebrated song by Casimir Delavigne, called the Marseillaise of 1830. Paris n'a plus qu'un cri de gloire; En avant marchons, Contre leurs canons. A travers le feu des battaillons…

Brewer's: Penny Wise

Unwise thrift. The whole proverb is Penny wise-and pound foolish, like the man who lost his horse from his penny wisdom in saving the expense of shoeing it a fresh when one of its shoes…

British Royalty - Royal Delivery

      Royal Delivery   The world watches and welcomes Prince William and Catherine's first born, a boy named George Alexander Louis.   Related Links Prince William and Kate…

2011 World News: North Korea

Major World News Stories of 2011 Kim Jong-ilRelated Links North Korea Country Profile 2011 Year in Review 2011 News of the…

Brewer's: Orange-tawny

The ancient colour appropriated to clerks and persons of inferior condition. It was also the colour worn by the Jews. Hence Lord Bacon says, “Usurers should have orange-tawny bonnets,…

Brewer's: Hexameter and Pentameter

An alternate metre; often called elegiac verse. Hexameter as described below. Pentameter verse is divided into two parts, each of which ends with an extra long syllable. The former half…

Brewer's: Elvino

A rich farmer, in love with Amina, the somnambulist. The fact of Amina being found in the bed of Count Rodolpho the day before the wedding, induces Elvino to reject her hand and promise…

Brewer's: Monkey Spoons

Spoons at one time given in Holland at marriages, christenings, and funerals. They may still be picked up occasionally at curiosity shops. The spoon at weddings was given to some immediate…

Brewer's: Silver Weapon

With silver weapons you may conquer the world, is what the Delphic oracle said to Philip of Macedon, when he went to consult it. Philip, acting on this advice, sat down before a fortress…

Brewer's: Penny Saved

(A). A penny saved is twopence gained. In French, “Uncentime épargné en vant deux.” Well, suppose a man asks twopence a piece for his oranges, and a baggler obtains hundred at a penny a…