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Lippe, river, Germany

(Encyclopedia) Lippe, river, c.150 mi (240 km) long, rising in the Teutoburg Forest, W Germany and flowing westward into the Rhine River. It is canalized to permit barge navigation. Water from the…

milk of magnesia

(Encyclopedia) milk of magnesia, common name for the chemical compound magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2. The viscous, white, mildly alkaline mixture that is used medicinally as an antacid and laxative is…


(Encyclopedia) albuminalbuminălby&oomacr;ˈmən [key] [Lat.,=white of egg], member of a class of water-soluble, heat-coagulating proteins. Albumins are widely distributed in plant and animal…


(Encyclopedia) aldosteronealdosteroneălˌdōstĭrōnˈ [key], steroid secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland. It is the most potent hormone regulating the body's electrolyte balance. Aldosterone acts…

garter snake

(Encyclopedia) garter snake, harmless snake of the genus Thamnophis, abundant from Canada to Central America. There are many common species; members of most species are about 2 ft (60 cm) long. Most…

heat of combustion

(Encyclopedia) heat of combustion, heat released during combustion. In particular, it is the amount of heat released when a given amount (usually 1 mole) of a combustible pure substance is burned to…


(Encyclopedia) gypsumgypsumjĭpˈsəm [key], mineral composed of calcium sulfate (calcium, sulfur, and oxygen) with two molecules of water, CaSO4·2H2O. It is the most common sulfate mineral, occurring…


(Encyclopedia) loon, common name for migratory aquatic birds found in fresh- and saltwater in the colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Its strange, laughing call carries for great distances. Like…

Dubochet, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Dubochet, Jacques, 1942–, Swiss biophysicist and molecular biologist, Ph.D., Univ. of Geneva 1973. Dubochet was a researcher at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg…

Legionnaire's disease

(Encyclopedia) Legionnaire's diseaseLegionnaire's diseaselēˌjənârzˈ [key], infectious, sometimes fatal, disease characterized by high fever, dry cough, lung congestion, and subsequent pneumonia.…