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Brewer's: Lustral Water

Water for aspersing worshippers was kept in an aspersorium, that those who entered or left the templo might dip their fingers into the water or be sprinkled by a priest. The same may be…

Brewer's: Water-gall

The dark rim round the eyes after much weeping. A peculiar appearance in a rainbow which indicates more rain at hand. “Gall” is the Anglo-Saxon gealew…

Brewer's: Water-hole

The big water-hole. The bed of the sea; the ocean. “We've got to the big water-hole at last ... Tis a long way across.” —Boldrewood: Robbery under…

Brewer's: Water of Jealousy

(The). If a woman was known to commit adultery she was to be stoned to death, according to the Mosaic law. (Deut. xxii. 22.) If, however, the husband…

Brewer's: Water-logged

Rendered immovable by too much water in the hold. When a ship leaks and is water-logged, it will not make any progress, but is like a log on the sea,…

Brewer's: Water-Poet

John Taylor, the Thames waterman. (1580-1654.) I must confess I do want eloquence, And never scarce did learn my accidence, For having got from `…

Brewer's: Water-sky

(A), in Arctic navigation, is a dark or brown sky, indicating an open sea. An ice-sky is a white one, or a sky tinted with orange or rose-colour,…

Brewer's: Water Stock

(To). To add extra shares. Suppose a “trust” (q.v.) consists of 1,000 shares of 50 each, and the profit available for dividend is 40 per cent…

Brewer's: Weak as Water

(See Similes.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Weak-kneed ChristianWe Left Our Country for Our Country's Good A B C D E F…

Water Supply of the World

The Antarctic Icecap is the largest supply of fresh water, representing nearly 2% of the world's total of fresh and salt water. As can be seen from the table below, the amount of water in our…