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Dundalk, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Dundalk Dundalk dŭnˈdôlkˌ [key], city (2020 pop. 67,796), Baltimore co., NE Md., a suburb of…

Rodgers, John, 1812–82, American naval officer

(Encyclopedia) Rodgers, John, 1812–82, American naval officer, b. Harford co., Md.; son of John Rodgers. He became (1828) a midshipman and saw varied service. He conducted (1852–56) exploring…

Blair McCLENACHAN, Congress, PA (1812)

McCLENACHAN Blair , a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Ireland, birth date unknown; immigrated to the United States at an early age and settled in Philadelphia, Pa.; engaged in…


(Encyclopedia) ChateaugayChateaugayshătˈəgē, –gāˌ [key], river, c.50 mi (80 km) long, rising in Chateaugay Lake in the Adirondacks, NE N.Y., and flowing through Quebec to empty into the St. Lawrence…

Dix, John Adams

(Encyclopedia) Dix, John Adams, 1798–1879, American statesman, b. Boscawen, N.H. He served in the War of 1812, was later admitted to the bar, and practiced law in Cooperstown, N.Y. He held high state…

McIntosh, William

(Encyclopedia) McIntosh, WilliamMcIntosh, Williammăkˈəntŏshˌ [key], c.1775–1825, Native American chief, b. in the Creek country now within the limits of Carroll co., Ga.; son of a British army…

Weatherford, William

(Encyclopedia) Weatherford, William, c.1780–1824, Native American chief, b. present-day Alabama, also called Red Eagle. In the War of 1812 he led the Creek war party, stirred by Tecumseh, against the…


(Encyclopedia) OjibwaOjibwaōjĭbˈwāˌ, –wə [key] or ChippewaChippewachĭpˈəwäˌ, –wə [key], group of Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan…

Grey, Sir George

(Encyclopedia) Grey, Sir George, 1812–98, British colonial administrator. He explored the Swan River district in NW Australia (1838) and later was governor of South Australia (1841–45) and of New…

Armistead, George

(Encyclopedia) Armistead, GeorgeArmistead, Georgeärˈmĭstĕd [key], 1780–1818, American artillery officer distinguished in the War of 1812, b. Virginia. He took part in the capture of Fort George on…