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First Olympic Appearance: 1900 by John Gettings and Mark Zurlo Did You Know? Just like people, horses need a valid passport to travel internationally. Related Links Olympics…

Brewer's: Hinder

is to hold one behind; whereas prevent is to go before (Anglo-Saxon hinder, behind, verb hindrian). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894HindustanHinda A B C…

Brewer's: Badinage

Playful raillery, banter (French), from the verb badiner, to joke or jest. The noun badine means a switch, and in France they catch wild ducks by covering a boat with switches, in which…

Brewer's: Baptes

(2 syl.). Priests of the goddess Cotytto, whose midnight orgies were so obscene that they disgusted even Cotytto, the goddess of obscenity. They received their name from the Greek verb…

Brewer's: Landscape

(A) is a land picture. (Anglo-Saxon landscipe verb scap-an; to shape, to give a form or picture of.) Father of landscape gardening. A. Lenotre (1613-1700). Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Lewd

(Anglo-Saxon, leóde) simply means folk in general, verb leod-an. The present meaning refers to the celibacy of the clergy. “All that a lewd man bath need to knawe for hele of sowl.” —…

Brewer's: Lick

as I licked him. I flogged or beat him. (Welsh, llach, a slap, verb llachian; Anglo-Saxon, slic -an, to strike, or slick.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Hue and Cry

A phrase used in English law to describe a body of persons joining in pursuit of a felon or suspected thief. (French, huéc, verb huer, to hoot or shout after; Anglo-Saxon, hui, ho!)…

Brewer's: Crude Forms

in grammar. The roots or essential letters of words. The words are crude or unfinished. Thus am—is the crude form of the verb amo; bon—of the adjective bonus; and domin —of the noun…

Brewer's: Cuba

The Roman deity who kept guard over infants in their cribs and sent them to sleep. Verb cubo, to lie down in bed. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894CubeCub A…