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Petlyura, Simon

(Encyclopedia) Petlyura, SimonPetlyura, Simonsĭmyōnˈ pyətly&oomacr;ˈrə [key], 1879–1926, Ukrainian nationalist politician. In Jan., 1919, he became leader of the independent Ukrainian republic…


(Encyclopedia) PechenegsPechenegspĕchənĕgzˈ [key] or PatzinaksPatzinakspätsĭnäksˈ [key], nomadic people of the Turkic family. Their original home is not known, but in the 8th and 9th cent. they…


(Encyclopedia) OchakivOchakivəchäˈkəf [key], city, S Ukraine, on the Dnieper-Buh estuary and on the Black Sea. It is the center of an agricultural district and a seaport with fishing industries. In…


(Encyclopedia) DniprohesDniprohesdənyĭprōˈhās [key] [Ukr. abbr.,=Dnieper hydroelectric station], Rus. Dneproges, a hydroelectric station, central Ukraine, on the Dnieper River near Zaporizhzhya. The…


(Encyclopedia) SudakSudaks&oomacr;däkˈ [key], town, SE Crimea, a resort on the Black Sea. From 1954 part of Ukraine (then the Ukrainian SSR), it passed to Russian control in 2014 after the…

Bezborodko, Aleksandr Andreevich, Prince

(Encyclopedia) Bezborodko, Aleksandr Andreevich, PrinceBezborodko, Aleksandr Andreevich, Princeəlyĭksänˈdər əndrāˈəvĭch bĕzbôrôdˈkô [key], 1747–99, Russian statesman. He became secretary of petitions…


(Encyclopedia) YaltaYaltayŏlˈtə [key], city (1989 pop. 89,000), in S Crimea, on the Black Sea. Picturesquely situated near the seashore, Yalta is on the site of an ancient Greek colony. It is the…


(Encyclopedia) TatarsTatarstäˈtərz [key] or TartarsTatarstärˈtərz [key], Turkic-speaking peoples living primarily in Russia, Crimea, and Uzbekistan. They number about 10 million and are largely Sunni…


(Encyclopedia) IzmayilIzmayilēzˌmäēlˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 93,000), extreme S Ukraine, on an arm of the Danube delta and near the Romanian border. It is a rail junction, river port, commercial…

Kuznets, Simon

(Encyclopedia) Kuznets, SimonKuznets, Simonk&oobreve;znĕtsˈ, kŭzˈnĕts [key], 1901–85, American economist, b. Kharkiv, Russia (now in Ukraine), grad. Columbia (B.S., 1923; M.A., 1924; Ph.D., 1926…