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Vacation Stories from our Readers

  Unusual Vacation Stories Memorable vacation experiences submitted by our readers   Well It Went To A Good Home We left Wyoming where we had bought a piece of blue leather that I was going to…

Chambermaid on the Titanic

Director: Bigas Luna Writers: Bigas Luna, Cuca Canals and Jean-Louis Benoît Samuel Goldwyn; NR; 96 minutes Release: 8/98 Cast: Romane Bohringer, Oliver Martinez, Aitana…

Movies and Film: A Century of Cinematic Splendor

A Century of Cinematic SplendorMovies and FilmFrench Film HistoryIt's Art, Stupid!A Century of Cinematic SplendorBefore the WarSurfing the "New Wave"The Eighties and NinetiesTen Fabulous French Films…

Can I Use My Money in a Different Country?

Banking abroad There are nearly 200 different currencies in the world, and with both global business and international travel more accessible than ever, understanding exchange rates and how far your…

An American Heroine

Amelia Earhart and her Lockheed Electra Over sixty years after Amelia Earhart vanished mysteriously in the Pacific during her attempt to become the first person to circumnavigate the…

Ngugi wa Thiong'o

(Encyclopedia) Ngugi wa Thiong'oNgugi wa Thiong'oĕng&oomacr;ˈgē wä tē-ŏngˈgō [key] or James Ngugi, 1938–, Kenyan writer, acclaimed as East Africa's foremost novelist. He studied at universities…

Boswell, James

(Encyclopedia) Boswell, James, 1740–95, Scottish author, b. Edinburgh; son of a distinguished judge. At his father's insistence the young Boswell reluctantly studied law. Admitted to the bar in 1766…

Walt Whitman: O Captain! My Captain!

O Captain! My Captain!O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all…

Love Always

Director: Jude Pauline EberhardWriters: Jude Pauline Eberhard and Sharlene BakerDirector of Photography:Xavier Perez GrobetEditor:Joel GoodmanMusic:Jaime Valle and Anton SankoProduction…